Veranstaltung: Expanded Animation 2022 – Glimpses of a Hybrid Horizon | 9.-11.09.2022 (in Präsenz & virtuell)

Expanded Animation 2022: Glimpses of a Hybrid Horizon

9. bis 11. September

Die 10. Ausgabe des Symposiums Expanded Animation findet wie gewohnt im Rahmen des Medienkunstfestivals Ars Electronica statt. An drei Tagen diskutieren internationale Expert*innen unter dem Motto Glimpses of a Hybrid Horizon. Darüber hinaus geben die Prix Ars Electronica Gewinner*innen in der Kategorie “Computeranimation” Einblicke in ihre Arbeit. Am dritten Tag geht die 2020 gestartete Fachtagung Synaesthetic Syntax in die dritte Runde. Nach zwei virtuellen Ausgaben am Campus Hagenberg der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich kehrt das Symposium heuer erstmals als zugänglicher Veranstaltungsort in das Ars Electronica Center in Linz zurück.

Die Teilnahme am Symposium ist kostenlos; darüber hinaus sind die Vorträge als Livestream über die Webseite zugänglich:



Expanded Animation:
Amanita Design — Jan Chlup (CZ), Radim Jurda (CZ) | Isabelle Arvers (FR) | Franziska Bruckner (AT) | Causa Creations — Brian Main (US/AT), Ben Wahl (AT) | Eva Fischer (AT) | Frank Geßner (DE) | Yoni Goodman (IL) | Margarete Jahrmann (AT) | Michelle Kranot (DK) | m box — Martin Retschitzegger (AT/DE) | Paul Pammesberger (AT/CA) | Philippe Pasquier (CA) | Martin Pichlmair (AT/DK) | Martina Scarpelli (IT/DK) | Robert Seidel (DE) | Alex Verhaest (BE)

Prix Forum:
Isabelle Arvers (FR), Marc Hericher (FR), Yoriko Mizushiri (JP), Rashaad Newsome (US)

Synaesthetic Syntax:
Andrew Buchanan (US) | Liliana Conlisk Gallegos (US) | Jānis Garančs (LV) | Juergen Hagler (AT) | Jana Horáková (CZ) | Birgitta Hosea (SW/UK) | Yoichi Nagashima (JP) | Aristofanis Soulikias (CA) | Farzaneh Yazdandoost (UK)


Expanded Animation wird veranstaltet von der FH OOE, Campus Hagenberg und Ars Electronica, in Kooperation mit der University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK.

Juergen Hagler & Expanded Animation team

Expanded Animation 2022: Glimpses of a Hybrid Horizon

9th – 11th September

The 10th edition of the Expanded Animation symposium series will once again focus on current and future trends at the intersection of animation, art and technology during the Ars Electronica media art festival. On the first two days, international artists, researchers and developers will discuss current processes of change in the expanded field of animation under the motto Glimpses of a Hybrid Horizon. In addition, the winners from the Computer Animation category will give insights into their work in the Prix Forum. On the third and final day, the 3rd edition of Synaesthetic Syntax symposium will examine the sensory side of expanded animation. After two years of virtual events hosted by the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, this year’s symposium will return as a physically accessible venue for the first time at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz.

The symposium is open to everyone, and participation is free of charge. In addition, there will be a livestream on the symposium´s website:




Expanded Animation:
Amanita Design — Jan Chlup (CZ), Radim Jurda (CZ) | Isabelle Arvers (FR) | Franziska Bruckner (AT) | Causa Creations — Brian Main (US/AT), Ben Wahl (AT) | Eva Fischer (AT) | Frank Geßner (DE) | Yoni Goodman (IL) | Margarete Jahrmann (AT) | Michelle Kranot (DK) | m box — Martin Retschitzegger (AT/DE) | Paul Pammesberger (AT/CA) | Philippe Pasquier (CA) | Martin Pichlmair (AT/DK) | Martina Scarpelli (IT/DK) | Robert Seidel (DE) | Alex Verhaest (BE)

Prix Forum:
Isabelle Arvers (FR), Marc Hericher (FR), Yoriko Mizushiri (JP), Rashaad Newsome (US)

Synaesthetic Syntax:
Andrew Buchanan (US) | Liliana Conlisk Gallegos (US) | Jānis Garančs (LV) | Juergen Hagler (AT) | Jana Horáková (CZ) | Birgitta Hosea (SW/UK) | Yoichi Nagashima (JP) | Aristofanis Soulikias (CA) | Farzaneh Yazdandoost (UK)


Expanded Animation is produced jointly by the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and the Ars Electronica Festival in cooperation with the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham, UK.

Juergen Hagler & Expanded Animation team