Expanded Animation | Linz | 9.-10.09.2016


The fourth edition of the symposium Expanded Animation entitled The Alchemy of Animation will take place on the 9th and 10th September at the CENTRAL Linz. Once again, the the symposium addresses the collapsing boundaries within Digital Animation and aims to explore positions and future trends in this expanded context. Topics this year will explore science, society and industry in the context of animation.

As part of Ars Electronica 2016: RADICAL ATOMS, the symposium brings together international scholars, students, artists, curators and pioneers from diverse fields of research and professional practice to create an interdisciplinary dialogue.

Speakers Expanded Animation 2016:

Prix Ars Electronica 2016 Winners in the category Computer Animation/Film/VFX | Addison Abigail | Erwin Feyersinger | Diana Arellano | Mihai Grecu | Markos Kay | Reinhold Bidner | Jonas Hansen | Matthias Winckelmann | Aixsponza.

The symposium is free to all registered attendees and to anyone with an Ars Electronica 2016 festival pass. Please register here if you would like to attend the symposium.
Register: http://www.expandedanimation.com/participate

Expanded Animation is a collaboration between the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, the Ars Electronica Festival and Central Linz, organized by: Jeremiah Diephuis, Jürgen Hagler, Michael Lankes, Patrick Proier, Christoph Schaufler, Alexander Wilhelm / University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus | Department Digital Media.